Top 4 New Bands at SXSW 2015

This is it. This is the best band that played at SXSW- TrendEngel even saw them twice in a row. And by the way the drummer played with one hand as the other one was broken. Real men…

Nr.1: Viet Cong

Like many burgeoning buzz bands, a story follows Viet Cong wherever they go. In this case, it’s that of former Calgary band Women, and the unexpected death of guitarist Christopher Reimer in 2012, two years after they disbanded. Both Flegel and Viet Cong drummer Mike Wallace played in Women, and after enlisting Munro and Danny Christiansen, a new band was formed from the ashes. And they are amazing. Just amazing. One of the best bands Trendengel has heard in years.

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